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Why You Need Professional Leak Detection

house floodingAccording to EPA, between five and 10 percent of homes in the US have household water leaks. The wasted water adds up to about 90 gallons of water per day. Leak detection can be complicated and is best handled by experts. Leaks are the great enemy to plumbing not only because they waste water, but because you have to find them first.

Importance of Leak Detection

If you notice that your water bill has suddenly increased by a substantial amount, yet your usage has remained the same, then it may be time to call for professional leak detection. This is especially true if you also notice mold or other water damage in your home. While most people think leaks are a pipe breaking or a faucet dripping, the truth of the matter is that the majority tend to occur in spots that are out of sight. This includes behind walls and under floorboards, as well as beneath concrete slabs and hidden in unused rooms. In addition, they can be as small as a pin home and cause significant damage.

Why Professional Leak Detection is Important

Plumbers have special tools to detect where leaks are located. They also have the proper skills to use this equipment. Moreover, even if you are able to do leak detection on your own, getting to the pipe to replace it without causing extensive damage to your home is something that only a skilled plumber can achieve. Plumbers use sound equipment and pressure detection devices in order to find leaks. Another tool they use in leak detection is a video camera mounted on a long drain snake. It shows clear images of the inside of pipes and is able to show, not only where the leak is, but the extent of it so he or she knows how to best repair it.

Once the plumber has found the leak, they then only remove enough construction material in order to be able to reach the damaged pipe and seal the break. A good plumber, like those from New Age Plumbing, will not simply stop with the obvious repairs, either. He or she will do a complete leak detection and examine all of your home’s plumbing in order to ensure that there are no other leaks that and to try to determine the reason the leak occurred in the first place.

If you believe that your home is in need of professional leak detection or other plumbing services and you are in the El Paso area, contact New Age Plumbing. We have been in business for over 10 years.